In oil and gas industry, IADC code is a very common words. But what does the character mean? Lets look the explain following. We make an exple.
eg. M111
The first character refer to the body material;
1)M stand for matrix body
2)S stand for steel body
Second character "1" stands for the amount of 1/2 in. cutters
1) Ranges 1 to 4 in PDC bits
2) 1= 30 or fewer 1/2 in. cutters
3) 2=30 to 40 1/2in. cutters
4) 3= 40 to 50 1/2 in.cutters
5) 4= 50 or more 1/2 in. cutters
Third character "1" stands for ranges from 1-4 and represents the size of the PDC cutter on the bit
1) 1= cutters large than 1 in.
2) 2= cutters from 9/16 in. to 1 in.
3) 3= cutters of 1/2 in.
4) 4= cutters of 5/16 in.
Fourth Character Ranges 1 to 4 and gives as idea of basic appearance of and body style the bit, based on the overall length of the cutting face of the bit.
1) 1= fishtail PDC bit
2) 2= short bit profile
3) 3= medium bit profile
4) 4= long bit profile